Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We believe that God has a really big church and we are just a small part of it. We connect with the church in Guatemala, through our partnership with Impacto Ministries. We also connect with the church farther away, through our partnership with the Wesleyan Church in Ghana, West Africa, as we plant churches in the neighboring country of Burkina Faso. Partnerships allow us to make significant investments and build strong and lasting relationships with our partners.

Active Missionaries
Guatemala - Impacto Ministries
RVWC has been partnering with Impacto Minstries since 2005. We send teams every year to help with children and youth ministries, medical clinics, sewing classes and much more. We believe that we have the responsibility to love people in practical ways. This means we engage with people in prayer, service, and sharing the Good News of Christ.
Contact us to get involved!
Contact us to get involved!
Burkina Faso
In 2008, we began our partnership with the Wesleyan Church in Ghana (WCG). Both RVWC and WCG felt God’s leading to expand into Burkina Faso, a French-speaking country in West Africa. Since planting the first church in 2012, the church in Burkina Faso has grown in the capital of Ouagadougou and beyond.
We support a couple from Haiti who are serving in Burkina Faso. If you would like to support Windel & Yolie Etienne, please click the Wesleyan Church of Canada's link below to donate. From the drop down menu, please select "Haitian Missionaries to other French speaking countries."
We support a couple from Haiti who are serving in Burkina Faso. If you would like to support Windel & Yolie Etienne, please click the Wesleyan Church of Canada's link below to donate. From the drop down menu, please select "Haitian Missionaries to other French speaking countries."